Monday, January 16, 2012


Man I have been gone a LONG time. I am still here, still training and still chasing strength. My wife and I have been slammed with projects for the last few months. I have become a client of Sean Greeley's company Net Profit Explosion (NPE) who are helping us get our business up to speed with the proper systems, training, structure and mindset to be successful. There is a ton of homework including rewriting our training for our coaches, establishing our Core Values, Mission, Goals and Projects and lots more...needless to say I have been dedicating my time to this at night and have let the blog go unattended. I will do better at getting here and keeping things up to date...

Recently completed "Fran" I am sorry to say because it sucked as just as bad I can ever remember it. It was a PR run for me though at 3:26 so I am very happy. I had some timing miscues on the butterfly pull ups that cost me time and energy. Sub 3 is doable...lets see if the video uploads. if not i will try another time.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Been absent from posting for a while. Its been a week since i had the unfortunate situation of having to put down our family Loomis. Haven't really felt like spending any more time than necessary on the computer.

My training has been outstanding however and motivation has been quite high. PR'd on my front squat and also had a PR on "Grace" last week with a 2:42 time...Video here-

Participated in today's OPT Construction Series Challenge with members of CrossFit Redline. There were 4 events that were spaced out over the course of a few hours.

Event 1: In 30 minutes find your 1 rep max Back Squat
Event 2: Standing Triple Jump for max distance.
Event 3: 2500 meter row
Event 4: 10 Rounds fro time of 10 Burpees & 10 Pull Ups

Event 1: 290# - A PR! Had 300# but did not use my time wisely.
Event 2: 24'- 3"  Very cool video here
Event 3: 9:15...felt pretty good about this.
Event 4: 11:23

Taking a couple of days off to rest and reset and get back to work. I could not be happier with my progress as of late and again considering that I underwent shoulder surgery on July 7 and have been able to accomplish so much is huge.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Have had some travel, family matters and returning to full duty over the last week so I have been quite busy. Training has been getting done and diet has been pretty decent. Posts should become regular here again...

A: Front Squat @30X1; 3,3,3,3; rest 3 minutes b/t sets.
B: High Hang Sq. Snatch X 1/ mid Hang Sq. Snatch X 1/ Sq. Snatch X 1/ OHS X 1; X 3;rest 2 minutes X 5 sets.
C: Clean & Jerk; 3X3; rest 90 seconds b/t sets.
For time:
400 meter run
21 KBS 2 POOD.

A: 175 - 185 - 195 - 205.
B: 95# for all sets and reps
C: 175 - 180 - 185
Time:  2:47. All swings unbroken

Monday, October 17, 2011

10-17-11 Double

AM training:
Warm Up + 10 minutes of Olympic lifting to tolerance + OHS.
A: Close Grip Bench @22X3; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 4. Go up from last.
B: Pendlay Rows@31X2; 5 reps; rest 3 minutes X 4.
100 meter sled drag
rest 10 minutes
Prowler Push 50 meters

Worked up to an easy 185# power clean and jerk. Not much pop today.
A: 95 x 5, 105 X 5, 115 x 5, 125 X 5. Still tight in the front of the shoulder at the bottom of this. Keeping elbows in slightly helps. This is up 5 pounds from last week.
B: 95 X 5, 105 X 5, 115 X 5, 120 X 5, 120 X 5.
Raining and the black top slick so no sled or prowler work today.

PM Training:  Tester
50 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
40 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
30 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
20 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups

Warmed up with a cup of coffee, stretched the hips flexors out, spun the rope a few times and got after it. Completed in 3:41  Nice little challenge here. Felt very good on the GHDs despite not being on it much lately. 50-40-30 and 10 rounds of Dbl Und were unbroken and smooth. Went at this at about 100% and felt great afterward...just some breathing and recovered in completely in 2-3 minutes. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

10-16-11 Double

Had to squeeze today's AM and PM together. Little Emma Grace is sick and I don't to have to leave the house this afternoon.

Part 1:
A: Front Squat @32X0; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 3. Go up 5lbs from 10-2 workout.
B: BB Split Squat @32X2; 4/leg; rest 90 seconds b/t legs X 5.
C: Handstand Holds; accumulate 3 minutes + play with HSPU to assess tolerance

A: 140 X 5,  160 X 4, 170 x 3.
B: 75# all sets
C: Completed in 8 sets. Stability is improved. Also completed 2 HSPU to double Abmat, 2 to a single Abmat and 1 full range.  

Part 2:
5 sets at 90%
200 meter run
10 Touch & Go Dead Lifts @ 185#
10 Push Press (Fast but controlled)
1 minute Airdyne
rest 10 minutes.

Felt pretty good here and pacing was right on the money. 
First 2 sets push press done at 95# and times were 2:32 on both.
Last 3 sets push press done at 105# and times were 2:28, 2:31 & 2:33

These loads and pace were good for me as far as keeping this an anaerobic alactic session. I did notice some lactate and maybe a little CP dip on the last 1-2 reps of push press at 105#. Rest time were adequate for complete recovery.


AM Training:

A: Push Press @ 31X3; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 4.
B: Single Arm DB Rows @ 31X2; 3 per arm; rest 1 minutes b/t arms X 7.
Airdyne Sprints X 40 seconds; rest 5:20 X 8.
Accumulate 3 TGU/arm during rest.

A: 125# X 5, 135# x 5, 145# X 4, 150# X 3.
B: 65, 70, 75 X 2, 80 X 2

AD Sprints complete and TGU done with 30# for 4 sets then switched to KB snatches w/30# for remaining sets.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


A: Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3; rest 3 minutes X 5. (build based on shoulder)
"Fight Gone bad" @ 90% effort.

175# x 3 for 2 sets
180# x 3
185# x 3 for 2 sets.
"FGB"  Total score 330 points.
Round 1: 138
Round 2: 102
Round 3: 90

Felt like I had the right pace for this. Posterior chain was feeling very strong today and hips had pop. Scored higher and was more consistent on the SDLHP than usual. End of round one breathing was good as was recovery. Took breaks as needed to stay AA AL keep from going CP. Happy with today's performance as far as my shoulder is concerned. I really didn't even have to think about it and that means I have confidence in it. 

Off day tomorrow and I have my eye set on the next Big Dawg On-line Competition in November.