AM training:
Warm Up + 10 minutes of Olympic lifting to tolerance + OHS.
A: Close Grip Bench @22X3; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 4. Go up from last.
B: Pendlay Rows@31X2; 5 reps; rest 3 minutes X 4.
100 meter sled drag
rest 10 minutes
Prowler Push 50 meters
Worked up to an easy 185# power clean and jerk. Not much pop today.
A: 95 x 5, 105 X 5, 115 x 5, 125 X 5. Still tight in the front of the shoulder at the bottom of this. Keeping elbows in slightly helps. This is up 5 pounds from last week.
B: 95 X 5, 105 X 5, 115 X 5, 120 X 5, 120 X 5.
Raining and the black top slick so no sled or prowler work today.
PM Training: Tester
50 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
40 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
30 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
20 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
Warmed up with a cup of coffee, stretched the hips flexors out, spun the rope a few times and got after it. Completed in 3:41 Nice little challenge here. Felt very good on the GHDs despite not being on it much lately. 50-40-30 and 10 rounds of Dbl Und were unbroken and smooth. Went at this at about 100% and felt great afterward...just some breathing and recovered in completely in 2-3 minutes.
An in depth look at my training as I prepare for the 2012 CrossFit Games. Food and supplement intake as well as my thoughts on training, nutrition and the experience will also be here. All program design elements are from James "OPT" FitzGerald.

Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
10-16-11 Double
Had to squeeze today's AM and PM together. Little Emma Grace is sick and I don't to have to leave the house this afternoon.
Part 1:
A: Front Squat @32X0; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 3. Go up 5lbs from 10-2 workout.
B: BB Split Squat @32X2; 4/leg; rest 90 seconds b/t legs X 5.
C: Handstand Holds; accumulate 3 minutes + play with HSPU to assess tolerance
A: 140 X 5, 160 X 4, 170 x 3.
B: 75# all sets
C: Completed in 8 sets. Stability is improved. Also completed 2 HSPU to double Abmat, 2 to a single Abmat and 1 full range.
Part 2:
5 sets at 90%
200 meter run
10 Touch & Go Dead Lifts @ 185#
10 Push Press (Fast but controlled)
1 minute Airdyne
rest 10 minutes.
Felt pretty good here and pacing was right on the money.
First 2 sets push press done at 95# and times were 2:32 on both.
Last 3 sets push press done at 105# and times were 2:28, 2:31 & 2:33
These loads and pace were good for me as far as keeping this an anaerobic alactic session. I did notice some lactate and maybe a little CP dip on the last 1-2 reps of push press at 105#. Rest time were adequate for complete recovery.
Part 1:
A: Front Squat @32X0; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 3. Go up 5lbs from 10-2 workout.
B: BB Split Squat @32X2; 4/leg; rest 90 seconds b/t legs X 5.
C: Handstand Holds; accumulate 3 minutes + play with HSPU to assess tolerance
A: 140 X 5, 160 X 4, 170 x 3.
B: 75# all sets
C: Completed in 8 sets. Stability is improved. Also completed 2 HSPU to double Abmat, 2 to a single Abmat and 1 full range.
Part 2:
5 sets at 90%
200 meter run
10 Touch & Go Dead Lifts @ 185#
10 Push Press (Fast but controlled)
1 minute Airdyne
rest 10 minutes.
Felt pretty good here and pacing was right on the money.
First 2 sets push press done at 95# and times were 2:32 on both.
Last 3 sets push press done at 105# and times were 2:28, 2:31 & 2:33
These loads and pace were good for me as far as keeping this an anaerobic alactic session. I did notice some lactate and maybe a little CP dip on the last 1-2 reps of push press at 105#. Rest time were adequate for complete recovery.
AM Training:
A: Push Press @ 31X3; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 4.
B: Single Arm DB Rows @ 31X2; 3 per arm; rest 1 minutes b/t arms X 7.
Airdyne Sprints X 40 seconds; rest 5:20 X 8.
Accumulate 3 TGU/arm during rest.
A: 125# X 5, 135# x 5, 145# X 4, 150# X 3.
B: 65, 70, 75 X 2, 80 X 2
AD Sprints complete and TGU done with 30# for 4 sets then switched to KB snatches w/30# for remaining sets.
A: Push Press @ 31X3; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 4.
B: Single Arm DB Rows @ 31X2; 3 per arm; rest 1 minutes b/t arms X 7.
Airdyne Sprints X 40 seconds; rest 5:20 X 8.
Accumulate 3 TGU/arm during rest.
A: 125# X 5, 135# x 5, 145# X 4, 150# X 3.
B: 65, 70, 75 X 2, 80 X 2
AD Sprints complete and TGU done with 30# for 4 sets then switched to KB snatches w/30# for remaining sets.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
A: Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3; rest 3 minutes X 5. (build based on shoulder)
"Fight Gone bad" @ 90% effort.
175# x 3 for 2 sets
180# x 3
185# x 3 for 2 sets.
"FGB" Total score 330 points.
Round 1: 138
Round 2: 102
Round 3: 90
Felt like I had the right pace for this. Posterior chain was feeling very strong today and hips had pop. Scored higher and was more consistent on the SDLHP than usual. End of round one breathing was good as was recovery. Took breaks as needed to stay AA AL keep from going CP. Happy with today's performance as far as my shoulder is concerned. I really didn't even have to think about it and that means I have confidence in it.
Off day tomorrow and I have my eye set on the next Big Dawg On-line Competition in November.
A: Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3; rest 3 minutes X 5. (build based on shoulder)
"Fight Gone bad" @ 90% effort.
175# x 3 for 2 sets
180# x 3
185# x 3 for 2 sets.
"FGB" Total score 330 points.
Round 1: 138
Round 2: 102
Round 3: 90
Felt like I had the right pace for this. Posterior chain was feeling very strong today and hips had pop. Scored higher and was more consistent on the SDLHP than usual. End of round one breathing was good as was recovery. Took breaks as needed to stay AA AL keep from going CP. Happy with today's performance as far as my shoulder is concerned. I really didn't even have to think about it and that means I have confidence in it.
Off day tomorrow and I have my eye set on the next Big Dawg On-line Competition in November.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
10-12-11 Double
AM Training:
A: Press @ 32X2; 2-4; rest 3 minutes X 3.
B: DB Ext Rotations 7/arm; rest 1 minute b/t arms X 2.
C: Trap 3 7/arm; rest 1 minute b/t arms X 2.
Row Sprint 50 sec; rest 6 minutes X 7. Accumulate 1 min FLR during each rest.
A: 110# X 4 , 115 X 4, 120# X 3.
B: 15# all sets
C: 15# all sets
Row sprints complete with FLR. Traveled between 280 -290 meters on each row.
PM Training: Swimming @ Golden Gate Aquatic Center
Swim 10 minutes Z1 w/ bilateral breathing
25 meter underwater swim X 10; rest 1 minute b/t
Swim 10 minutes Z1 w/ bilateral breathing
Results: Swim technique is improving each time in the water. feeling more comfortable at slower speeds and less perceived exertion. Breathing tempo was noticeably better as was timing.
Z1 Freestyle
25 meter underwater attempt
A: Press @ 32X2; 2-4; rest 3 minutes X 3.
B: DB Ext Rotations 7/arm; rest 1 minute b/t arms X 2.
C: Trap 3 7/arm; rest 1 minute b/t arms X 2.
Row Sprint 50 sec; rest 6 minutes X 7. Accumulate 1 min FLR during each rest.
A: 110# X 4 , 115 X 4, 120# X 3.
B: 15# all sets
C: 15# all sets
Row sprints complete with FLR. Traveled between 280 -290 meters on each row.
PM Training: Swimming @ Golden Gate Aquatic Center
Swim 10 minutes Z1 w/ bilateral breathing
25 meter underwater swim X 10; rest 1 minute b/t
Swim 10 minutes Z1 w/ bilateral breathing
Results: Swim technique is improving each time in the water. feeling more comfortable at slower speeds and less perceived exertion. Breathing tempo was noticeably better as was timing.
Z1 Freestyle
25 meter underwater attempt
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
10-11-11 Big Dawg Bash Rehash
Back at home from a nice long weekend in San Diego at the 2011 OPT Big Dawg Bash. San Diego in October is amazing. I competed in the first ever OPTathlon held at CrossFit Invictus and was at the same time pleasantly surprised and disappointed at my performance.
Event 1: Find 1 RM Clean and Jerk in 10 minutes.
Event 2: Standing triple jump
Event 3: 500 m. row , rest 90 sec, 500 meter row
Event 4: 150 double unders + AMRAP Wall balls & Burpees in 7 minute time frame.
Event 5: 16lb. reverse shot toss
Event 6: 3K track run.
Event 1: 220#. This felt very easy and given that I am three months out from shoulder and bicep surgery I am extremely happy with this. Had I used my time wisely I would have gone heavier
Event 2: 23 feet 6 inches. Had a longer jump but faulted. Very fun challenge.
Event 3. 1:40 and 1:40. Disappointed here. I just did not open up the way I should have. I think I was initially worried about the 90 seconds not being time to recover and held back too much, too long.
Event 4: 230 points total. Happy with this performance. Ran 100 unbroken double unders with a heavy rope and then another 50. In fact I was the second one in my heat to finish the rope work behind games contender AJ Moore. Tried to stay with him as long as I could at the wall and ended up hanging in there fairly well. Felt at the end of this like I belonged there.
Event 5: 29 feet 6 inches. Another fun test. No way to be disappointed here. Just a great test.
Event 6: 12:55. Not really thrilled with this but I understand it. I really have not run this distance before and didn't know how to pace it. I got off with AJ and Adam to a nice start that ended up being a little too fast for me. As I slid behind about 100 meters I was in a gap where there was no one and my pace dropped. Next thing I know, Ben Kelly is on my right, slides in front of me and says "c'mon mate" in his typical thick Australian accent. Ben pulled me around for about 800 meters but it was too little, too late.
I am very competitive. Whether playing horse shoes, trivia or CrossFit and I don't like not performing well. I also tend to be hard on myself. In spite of the fact that just a little over 2 months ago I was in a sling...I expected myself to perform better than I did. I have some work to do and i am willing to do it and that is all there is to it.
Event 1: Find 1 RM Clean and Jerk in 10 minutes.
Event 2: Standing triple jump
Event 3: 500 m. row , rest 90 sec, 500 meter row
Event 4: 150 double unders + AMRAP Wall balls & Burpees in 7 minute time frame.
Event 5: 16lb. reverse shot toss
Event 6: 3K track run.
Event 1: 220#. This felt very easy and given that I am three months out from shoulder and bicep surgery I am extremely happy with this. Had I used my time wisely I would have gone heavier
Event 2: 23 feet 6 inches. Had a longer jump but faulted. Very fun challenge.
Event 3. 1:40 and 1:40. Disappointed here. I just did not open up the way I should have. I think I was initially worried about the 90 seconds not being time to recover and held back too much, too long.
Event 4: 230 points total. Happy with this performance. Ran 100 unbroken double unders with a heavy rope and then another 50. In fact I was the second one in my heat to finish the rope work behind games contender AJ Moore. Tried to stay with him as long as I could at the wall and ended up hanging in there fairly well. Felt at the end of this like I belonged there.
Event 5: 29 feet 6 inches. Another fun test. No way to be disappointed here. Just a great test.
Event 6: 12:55. Not really thrilled with this but I understand it. I really have not run this distance before and didn't know how to pace it. I got off with AJ and Adam to a nice start that ended up being a little too fast for me. As I slid behind about 100 meters I was in a gap where there was no one and my pace dropped. Next thing I know, Ben Kelly is on my right, slides in front of me and says "c'mon mate" in his typical thick Australian accent. Ben pulled me around for about 800 meters but it was too little, too late.
I am very competitive. Whether playing horse shoes, trivia or CrossFit and I don't like not performing well. I also tend to be hard on myself. In spite of the fact that just a little over 2 months ago I was in a sling...I expected myself to perform better than I did. I have some work to do and i am willing to do it and that is all there is to it.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
10-4-11 and 10-5-11
AM Training:
A: Front Squat @32X0; 4-6; rest 3 minutes X 3.
B: BB Split Squats @ 32X2; 3 per leg; rest 90 sec. b/t legs X 5.
C: Accumulate 15 Strict perfect rep Pull ups.
A: 135 X 6, 155 X 5, 165 X 4
B: 75# for all sets
C: Complete in sets of 2's and 3's. I also worked in a couple of sets of 5 kipping pull ups. These were all pain free and range of motion was good. There was some obvious muscular fatigue that set in quickly but that will be gone quickly. Very happy to have pull ups back.
PM Training:
4 sets at 90%:
30 sec. max Double Unders
30 sec. max Burpees
30 sec. max KBS 2 pood
30 sec. max Box Jumps
rest 10 minutes
Set 1; 49, 13, 12, 21 I think.
Rest of rounds slightly lower in Burpees and KBS. Double Unders and Box Jumps remained high.
AM Training:
Warm Up and 10 minutes of play with Olympic lifts increasing loads from last week.
A: Close grip bench press @ 22X3; 3-5; rest 2 minutes X 3.
B: Pendlay Rows @ 31X2; 5 reps; rest 3 minutes X 3.
400 meter run hard, rest walk 7 minutes X 4
rest 10 minutes
Prowler push 50 meters (180#); rest walk 3 minutes X 4.
Extremely pleased with the Olympic lifts. Hip power is good and timing is still there. Best part is no pain!
Squat Snatch @ 115#
Power Clean @ 145#
Squat Clean @ 145#
Squat Clean @ 165#
Power Clean @ 195#
I also hit a power clean @ 215#.
A: CGBP was a little tight at the bottom of the movement. Kept the weight at 95# for all sets and focused on the tempo and keeping things tight. This will improve quickly with some added shoulder mobilty.
B: Pendlay Rows felt good. No pain and comfortable. Good activation of the lats, rhomboids and traps. Tempo might have been off slightly but otherwise good. 95# X 5, 115# X 5, 115# X 5.
400 meter runs: 1:01, 1:00 had to cut the last two short
Prowler runs were great, but only had time for 2.
Full afternoon today packing and getting the kids ready for our departure. Leaving early in the am for San Diego and the OPT Big Dawg Bash at CrossFit Invictus. This will be the training highlight of my year and I have been looking forward to it for a while. Excited to meet some other Dawgs and guys who I have been following for a while, Colin, Nathan, Joey, Chelsea, Steve and others. Saturday's class time and lectures will be amazing and I am very interested in the work James has been doing regarding testing. Sunday's OPTathalon will be a blast. I am hoping my shoulder is healthy enough to allow me to participate at some level.
AM Training:
A: Front Squat @32X0; 4-6; rest 3 minutes X 3.
B: BB Split Squats @ 32X2; 3 per leg; rest 90 sec. b/t legs X 5.
C: Accumulate 15 Strict perfect rep Pull ups.
A: 135 X 6, 155 X 5, 165 X 4
B: 75# for all sets
C: Complete in sets of 2's and 3's. I also worked in a couple of sets of 5 kipping pull ups. These were all pain free and range of motion was good. There was some obvious muscular fatigue that set in quickly but that will be gone quickly. Very happy to have pull ups back.
PM Training:
4 sets at 90%:
30 sec. max Double Unders
30 sec. max Burpees
30 sec. max KBS 2 pood
30 sec. max Box Jumps
rest 10 minutes
Set 1; 49, 13, 12, 21 I think.
Rest of rounds slightly lower in Burpees and KBS. Double Unders and Box Jumps remained high.
AM Training:
Warm Up and 10 minutes of play with Olympic lifts increasing loads from last week.
A: Close grip bench press @ 22X3; 3-5; rest 2 minutes X 3.
B: Pendlay Rows @ 31X2; 5 reps; rest 3 minutes X 3.
400 meter run hard, rest walk 7 minutes X 4
rest 10 minutes
Prowler push 50 meters (180#); rest walk 3 minutes X 4.
Extremely pleased with the Olympic lifts. Hip power is good and timing is still there. Best part is no pain!
Squat Snatch @ 115#
Power Clean @ 145#
Squat Clean @ 145#
Squat Clean @ 165#
Power Clean @ 195#
I also hit a power clean @ 215#.
A: CGBP was a little tight at the bottom of the movement. Kept the weight at 95# for all sets and focused on the tempo and keeping things tight. This will improve quickly with some added shoulder mobilty.
B: Pendlay Rows felt good. No pain and comfortable. Good activation of the lats, rhomboids and traps. Tempo might have been off slightly but otherwise good. 95# X 5, 115# X 5, 115# X 5.
400 meter runs: 1:01, 1:00 had to cut the last two short
Prowler runs were great, but only had time for 2.
Full afternoon today packing and getting the kids ready for our departure. Leaving early in the am for San Diego and the OPT Big Dawg Bash at CrossFit Invictus. This will be the training highlight of my year and I have been looking forward to it for a while. Excited to meet some other Dawgs and guys who I have been following for a while, Colin, Nathan, Joey, Chelsea, Steve and others. Saturday's class time and lectures will be amazing and I am very interested in the work James has been doing regarding testing. Sunday's OPTathalon will be a blast. I am hoping my shoulder is healthy enough to allow me to participate at some level.
Monday, October 3, 2011
10-03-11 Double
Had a great weekend away with my son, father, brother and nephew. We took my Dad's RV North to Ocala National Forest and had a guys weekend. We hit the mountain bike trails early Saturday morning and I warmed up on some easier trails then found one of the trails marked in red on the map. Red meaning expert. This turned into very challenging ride with very steep rocky descents and tough climbs. Finished the day with some high speed single track with lots of great turns and compact ground. Airdyne work made this a blast to attack hard.
AM Training:
A: Push press @ 31X3; 3-5; rest 2 minutes X 3. One tough set.
B: One arm DB Row @ 31X2; 7/arm; rest 1 minute b/t arms X 2.
C: FLR on rings- accumulate 180 seconds.
Airdyne Sprints X 40 seconds; rest 5:20; accumulate 3 TGU/arm during rest.
A: 95# , 115# , 135#. Felt strong here and ready to move the weight up. Shoulder has responded well to the added stabilization work.
B: 55# all sets.
C: Complete in 3 sets.
Airdyne work complete and noticeable recovery improvement between sets from last time. TGU feeling better and better.
PM Training:
For time:
30 GHD Sit Ups
200 meter run
30 Air Squats
200 meter run
30 Back Extensions
200 meter run
30 Walking Lunges
200 meter run.
5:47...this just got more and more painful as It continued. All reps and movements were unbroken. Each subsequent run was harder and harder. By the time last 200 meters came around I am not sure what i was doing even resembled running. It looked more like scooting...Good recovery from this however. I have done several of my runs in various pairs Nike Free and a few others in Inov8 195s. I seem to like the Nike a little better for run work. The softer sole makes it easier to turn on our black top run area. It has a slightly high heel than the Inov8 as well.
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