Sunday, October 16, 2011

10-16-11 Double

Had to squeeze today's AM and PM together. Little Emma Grace is sick and I don't to have to leave the house this afternoon.

Part 1:
A: Front Squat @32X0; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 3. Go up 5lbs from 10-2 workout.
B: BB Split Squat @32X2; 4/leg; rest 90 seconds b/t legs X 5.
C: Handstand Holds; accumulate 3 minutes + play with HSPU to assess tolerance

A: 140 X 5,  160 X 4, 170 x 3.
B: 75# all sets
C: Completed in 8 sets. Stability is improved. Also completed 2 HSPU to double Abmat, 2 to a single Abmat and 1 full range.  

Part 2:
5 sets at 90%
200 meter run
10 Touch & Go Dead Lifts @ 185#
10 Push Press (Fast but controlled)
1 minute Airdyne
rest 10 minutes.

Felt pretty good here and pacing was right on the money. 
First 2 sets push press done at 95# and times were 2:32 on both.
Last 3 sets push press done at 105# and times were 2:28, 2:31 & 2:33

These loads and pace were good for me as far as keeping this an anaerobic alactic session. I did notice some lactate and maybe a little CP dip on the last 1-2 reps of push press at 105#. Rest time were adequate for complete recovery.

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