Sunday, October 16, 2011


AM Training:

A: Push Press @ 31X3; 3-5; rest 3 minutes X 4.
B: Single Arm DB Rows @ 31X2; 3 per arm; rest 1 minutes b/t arms X 7.
Airdyne Sprints X 40 seconds; rest 5:20 X 8.
Accumulate 3 TGU/arm during rest.

A: 125# X 5, 135# x 5, 145# X 4, 150# X 3.
B: 65, 70, 75 X 2, 80 X 2

AD Sprints complete and TGU done with 30# for 4 sets then switched to KB snatches w/30# for remaining sets.

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