Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Now that we are done with the sectional WODs at Redline we can back to the business of getting our clients as strong as possible and sorting any strength imbalances that are out there. Almost across the board I see the same weaknesses in our clients and yesterday's CrossFit Total further highlighted what I already knew. We press well, we dead lift really well and we squat like shit. If that's not the programmer's bias showing up in his clients I don't know what is. So what did we do?

 I introduced our group classes to their first real exposure to split squats and dumbbell Russian step ups today. My two groups were more than taken by surprise at the simple complexity of both movements and almost everyone went back to the dumbbell stack for a lighter pair after the first set. I am giving detailed set up instructions and most importantly telling everyone why we are training this way and the benefits they will see and feel. I really feel this is necessary so they understand the importance and value of it and focus on proper execution.

I also sat today down for a goal setting meeting with Jeff Magner, who is simply one of the best athletes I have ever seen. Jeff is one of our Coaches and just had a hell of run in CrossFit Games Opens. Although he did not qualify for Regionals he was in the 30-50 position range the whole time. As a 150# athlete that is pretty exceptional. Jeff and I will be working together to make some changes to his training to better prepare him for next year. To detail his journey Jeff has started a blog that he will use to report on his training, diet and supplementation. Check it out here...http://jeffmagner.blogspot.com/

A: muscle Up Practice for 5 minutes
B: Back Squat @ 30X1; 3-5 reps; rest 3 minutes X 4
C: DB Walking Lunges  X 10/side; rest 90 seconds  X 5
D: Mixed Grip Chins @31X1; 3-5 rest 2 minutes X 3

A: Complete. Left shoulder is causing all kinds of problems. Cortisone shot from a few months back is wearing off. Played with rings at different heights. Some with false grips and some without.
B: 185 X 5 , 185 X 5 , 190 X 3 , 190 X 3
C: Complete. All sets w/ 30# DB per hand
D: Pronated w/40# X 5  ,  Supinated w45# X 4  ,  Pronated w/40# X 4

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