Sunday, May 8, 2011

05-08-11 Catching Up

Busy weekend with Mother's Day, coaching, some private clients while I am all caught up with my training, I am running behind on blog posts.

My time management has been put to the test over the last week or so and I get busier I must make sure that I block time for my training and re-fueling.

Friday Training:
A: Strict Pronated Chins @ 2111; 4-6; Rest 2 minutes  X 3  
B: Right Leg Elevated Split Squat  @ 51X1; 3-5 , rest 45 sec. X 5
C: Left Leg Elevated Split Squat @ 51X1; 3-5 , rest 45 sec. X 5
D: T2Bar  X 10  rest 45 sec.  X 5

A: 40# X 6 , 40# X 6 , 40# X 5
B: 40# KB per hand - 5 reps on all sets
C: Same
D: Complete

Saturday Training:
A: Hang Power Clean X 2; Rest 3 min.  X 5
B: Dead Lift ; 3 X 3.  Rest 90 sec. b/t
C: Ring Dips @ 21X1; AMRAP (-1) ; rest 90 sec.  X 3

A: 175# -  185# - 190# - 200# - 200#
B: 285# for all sets
C: No ring dips...left shoulder not able to handle it. Rotator is in trouble.

Sunday Training:
A: Back Squat @ 2111; 7 - 5 - 5 - 3; rest 3 min. b/t sets
B1: 2 Legless Rope Climbs - small pulls; rest 90 sec.
B2: 20 Wall Balls wearing 20# weighted vest; rest 90 sec.
C: 3 X 5COVP / 5K2E / 5 T2Bar; rest 90 sec.

A: 155# x 7 - 175# x 5 - 180# X 5 - 190#X 3
B1: Complete
B2: All unbroken and these felt very good and fast. Best wall balls have ever felt
C: Complete. First 2 sets unbroken.

Pre Workout each day 3 scoops of BCAA+G
Post Workout: 8 oz. Goat Milk with 40 grams whey + 40 grams carbs

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