Sunday, June 19, 2011

A little Catch up

Been a very busy 7-10 days I haven't posted. Training has been solid and I feel quite good with the exception of my left shoulder which has been acting up lately. Trying to keep it moving...

Body weight has pushed up beyond 185# and body comp is decent.


 A1.B.sqt; 5,3,2,2; rest 2 min
> A2.L-pullups; x 6-8; x 4; rest 2 min
> B. TGU; x 5 @ 16kg/side, 5 @ 20 kg/side; rest some, then AMRAP in 60 sec TGU R @ 24kg; rest 2 min AMRAP in 60 sec TGU L @ 24kg
> C. 200m row sprint; x 2; rest 4 min

A1: 185# - 195# - 225# - 225#. Should have started a little heavier but...
A2: The angle on these caused me intense shoulder pain. Had to sub in wtd. chins. 30# X 8, 35# X 8, 35# X 8, 40# X 6.
B: Again protected the shoulder and kept these slow. Able to handle 79# KB just fine.
C: Complete.

A.Strict MU; x 10 reps; rest a bunch between reps, make each one perfect
> B.Inverted hang; lower slowly; x 5; x 3; rest 60 sec
> C1.ring push-ups; x 15-20; x 3; rest 0 sec
> C2.FLR in rings; x 40-60 sec; x 3; rest 90 sec

A: Complete- rested a minute or more b/t sets. Half false grip, half regular.
B: Complete- folded at hip, legs straight to straight arm L-sit.
C1: 3 sets to 20
C2: Could not maintain longer than 20 seconds. Very hard.

A.BB russian step ups; AMRAP in 60 sec; x 3; rest 60 sec/side @ 65lb.
> B.DB walking lunges; x 12 total(HEAVY); x 3; rest 90 sec
> C1.GHR vs. light band; x 10-12; x 3; rest 10 sec
> C2. Amrap kipping chins(-5) speed of movement is key; x 3; rest 3 min

A: 20/20,  16/16,  15/15 as Rx'd. Absolutely painful.
B: Complete with 55# DBs for all sets.
C1: Complete 12 reps each sets
C2: 3 sets of 21. Feeling my extra body weight here. 21 was doable and I had 5 more each time.

 A.power snatch; x 2,2,2,2,2,2; rest 3 min
> B.wtd. dips; x 2-3; x 5; rest 2 min
> C.GHD ext.; x 20; x 5; rest 60 sec

A: 135# - 145# - 155# - 160# - 165# - 167# x 1. Felt pretty good here. Estimating my 1 RM at around 175# or so.
B: 40# X 3, 45# X 3, 45# X 3,  50# X 3, 55# X 3. Should have gone much heavier...
C: Complete

A.Back squat; x 5; x 5(first set at top weight for 5 rep, reduce by 5-10% per set as necessary); rest 5 min btwn sets
> B. strict chins; x 2-3; x 3; rest 3 min
> C.100m row sprint; x 8; rest 90 sec (rest actively for 5 mins btwn sets 4+5)

A: 205#, 205#, 200#, 195# 190#. Again, could have went heavier, but this was good for my confidence on my least confident lift.
B: 70# X 3, 79# X 3, 79# X 3. Pulling is feeling good.
C:Complete with set times of  :18,  :17,  :18,  :18 ......

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