Friday, June 3, 2011

New Month 06-03-11

Got a great looking month of training from James and things have changed in terms of program design. Not nearly as much tempo work, some more dynamic and skill based work and a little energy system training. Looking forward to this.

Time to develop the awareness around what energy system I am using and use it to my advantage.

Food intake has been good. I have been eating a little less carbs throughout the day and focusing on the my post workout meal and the meal an hour after. Breakfast and dinner are pretty much protein and fat. I am however still taking in a quart or so of whole goat milk each day. I am taking BCAAs throughout the day when meal timing gets off due to my work schedule.

Sleep has been decent and I am consistently logging 7+ hours each night. Compared to this time last year when I was working nights and was sleeping in Alison's closet on the floor, I was getting maybe 4 and it wasn't quality.

A: Power Snatch; 1.1.1 rest 15 seconds b/t reps; rest 3 minutes between sets X 5 sets
B: 1 Muscle Up + 10 Ring Dips; rest 90 sec. X 3
C1: Toes through rings (slow) X 10; rest 20 seconds
C2: Back Ext. X 15 rest 2 minutes X 5 sets

A: 115# - 135# - 145# - 150# - 155#. These felt quiet good considering I haven't snatched heavy in some time. Hips felt good and powerful. Should have started heavier and ended at 160#-165#. Video showed good extension through the hips, knees and ankles. Tried to focus on maintaining back angle through the first pull.
Power Snatch @ 145# 
B: Complete. Kept muscle ups fairly strict. Left shoulder didn't act up too much. Worked on upper body position for the dips. I have a tendency to get too far forward so sitting up right was key and power production is better.
C1 / C2: Complete. No problems.

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