Tuesday, September 13, 2011

09-10-11 and 09-11-11

On the road and in Delray Beach this weekend for a mini vacation with some of our friends. Really enjoyed visiting this town last year during an OPT certification just didn't have time to check it as I was busy with class. Stayed at a beautiful hotel The Delray Beach Marriot on the beach and we really had a pretty amazing weekend. Friday was spent lounging around the phool with the kids and Ali andwe grabbed some dinner with our friends and enjoyed the evening.

Saturday Training at CF Delray:

A: Back Squat X 2; rest 3 minutes X 4 @ 80% 1 rm.
B: GHR X 10; rest 1 minute; x 4.
3 Min. Row @ 97%-100% for max meters
rest 12 minutes
X 3.

A: again stayed w/ 200#. 1Rm is definitely up. Easy and fast.
B: Complete

Rows- 880 m. - 800m. - 800m.
Came out hot on the first minute of row one and then settled down.

Enjoyed seeing Sarah and Dave owners of CFDRB. They are such good people and I enjoy seeing them every time we visit. Caught with Sean Lefloch, great athlete and coachand met AJ Moore who just relocated to DelRay and is now Coaching at CFDRB.

Saturday afternoon was spent on the sand and in the warm waters of DelRay Beach. Had a great time doing nothing at all with our friends and the kids. Soaked up a lot of sun and destressed. Lunch poolside and then back to the beach...got back together with CFDRB crew Sarah, Dave, Allegra, Cheryl and AJ for dinner at what is now our favorite place The Office. Another great time and enjoyed some Coach talk with AJ. We also talked about his now well known Kettlebell swing  incident at the Mid-Atlantic regionals. Good reps or not, I think they were, AJ conducted himself with professionalism and represented himself and all Dawgs extremely well.

Sunday Training @ CFDRB:

A: 30 sec. light BB Push Press w/pause at top; rest 2 min X 3
B1: Strict Push Up AMRAP (-3) no rest
B2: FLR max time; rest 3 minutes X 3.
5 minutes @ 80% effort
Run 200 meters
12 GHD Situps
Rest 5 minutes actively X 3.

A: 95# for all sets and the heaviest load I have put overhead in 10 weeks. Felt comfortable here, hip drive was good and lock out was solid with no pain. 2 sec holds on each rep
B1 and B2: Hit reps of 20-17-15 on push ups and was happy with this. Last week it was grunt effort to get to 10. FLR did not go well as fatigue was almost immediate.

Runs & GHDs - Hip flexor smasher...completed 4 rounds the first 5 minutes and 3 and a half the remaining 2. Kept a nice steady pace right around 80%.

Back to the pool to finish out the weekend and a great vacation. Kept diet where it needs to be and stress was no where to be found...

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