Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Early morning meeting with a potential new client who thought 0530 would be a great time to meet. No problem..

A: Back Squat X 4; rest 3 minutes X 4 @ 905 1rm
B: GH Raises X 10; rest 1 minute X 4.
C: DB Walking Lunges 12 steps total Heavy

A: 225# all sets. Lower back that had been acting up this weekend was fine after warm up. No issues. A little slow out of the hole late in the 3rd and 4th sets.
B: Complete
C: Complete with 55#/hand all sets.

New programming is in and it pumps me up. I have 4 swim days....so I now have a nice new set of goggles and swim tights. Looking forward to learning something new and the challenge. I have programmed Jeff to have swim days with me so someone will be there if one of us needs saving.

Still waiting on the delivery of our new Prowler sled...hope its not long.

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