Wednesday, September 21, 2011


A: 5 sets of strict push ups; rest 1 minute between sets.
B: FLR, 3 attempts at max hold.
4 sets at 85% of:
400 meter run
15 box jumps to 24"
25 Anchored Situps

Results:  Shoulder still fatiguing quickly but stability is improving very well. Warmed up and added DB external rotation and Powell raises as has become my Wednesday and Sunday ritual. Both are improving and I handled 15# today for 8 reps with no pain or tempo issues. Also added statics hangs as well some gentle kip swings in sets of 4-6. Ring support was a little unstable but doable. Will retest over the next week.

A: 20-17-15-10-10
B: 60 sec. - 45 sec. - 45 sec.

ES work: Felt that I nailed the 85% perfectly on the first set. Back from the 400 in 1:18 and total set time was 2:28. Recovered well and was able to duplicate that 2:28 time for the next 3 sets. Felt good...

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