Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Running Behind

I have been a little off schedule lately and running a day, maybe two behind on things here. I will play catch up over the next few days, but things will smooth out here shortly. Tonight I finished the 16th session of a strength and condition camp with a large group of traveling volleyball players. They had a great time, loved the experience and their Coach has seen gains in their fitness.

Here is Monday Morning's Training:

7 Sets of:

15 KBS  2 pood
15 Burpees
30 Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes between sets

This absolutely destroyed me!!!

The first set of KBS felt really light and fast, but I was really feeling my extra weight and lack of energy system work once I started the burpees. Double Unders were good and from the second set on were unbroken.

1 comment:

  1. I could only watch the first round, I started having flashbacks to the WOD!
