Monday, August 8, 2011


Sleep has been a bit rough the last few nights. I am just uncomfortable for some reason. My bed is ridiculously comfortable but i am having problems regulating my temperature. Tried ZMA and melatonin last night with little effect. I have a feeling it may be the intermittent fasting and thermic effects of food throwing me off slightly.

Up and out the door at 0500 today to teach the 5:30 class at Redline. It was great to get back in there early and see some of our new faces doing so well. I enjoy the side conversations I get to have before and after class to answer questions and offer suggestions on training.

0645 Training:

Got in a great warm up and loosened up my shoulder pretty well. Worked up to presses with a 15# training bar with no pain or lack of strength. Finished with some light weight Russian kettlebell swings which felt great.

At 70% AMRAP in 30 minutes of: 90 sec. Airdyne
                                                          20 Walking Lunges
                                                          60 sec. Airdyne
                                                          20 Step Ups
                                                          30 sec. Airdyne
                                                          20 Squats

Just plugged along on this one and kept it smooth and easy. Felt pretty good. Finished 6 rounds + 20 lunges.

Physical therapy appointment this afternoon went great. Therapist was a little shocked at the range of motion and strength I had given that yesterday I was exactly one month out from surgery. I only 2 more appointments on the books...they may be my last 2.

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