Monday, August 15, 2011


Felt so good to be back in the gym and have some real work ahead of me. Things have steadily been improving and my shoulder is feeling pretty damn good. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Up and on my feet at 0500, 1 serving of Max Fiber, Max Glucose and Max Energy and hit the door otherwise fasted with a home made Americano in my hand.

Warmed with some hip and leg specific stuff and a bunch of double unders to assess how I was feeling. All good.

A: Back Squat @ 40X1; 5 X 5; rest 3 minutes b/t sets.   keep it light, perfect upright torso
B: DB Walking Lunge; 20 steps total; steady pace, drive off front heel.
C: Row  30 sec on, 30 sec. off X 30. No pushing it.

Results; Felt very good today. Very focused and moved well throughout. Kept it light enough to feel things out a bit more but enough to get in some work. I did notice some tenderness at the AC joint where the bar would rest. Row was good and kept each effort around 2:10/ 500 meters. Kicked it up a bit in minutes 20-25 to test my bicep a little and brought it down to 1:55. All is good here.

Will be testing some more pushing movements in the next few days. Stability and flexibility of the shoulder has increased dramatically so push ups might be doable in the next week.

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