Shoulder has been feeling well and each day I have a little bit more that I can do. Therapist was a little confused that I was only 5 weeks out of surgery and was moving along so quickly. I told her honestly the tests I had put myself through the day before and I could kind of see her wincing out of the corner of my eye. I felt like telling her, hey If you're shocked with my progress then don't question my methods...
1 serving of Max Fiber and a home made americano at the house.
Training outside today, about 14 hours into a 16 hour fast with 10 grams BCAAs taken 15 minutes prior.
Nice, efficient warm up. Pretty much used to my new speed rope. Hitting multiple sets of 50 unbroken double unders very easily now that my shoulder isn't fatiguing so quickly.
30 minute AMRAP at 70% OF:
90 sec. Airdyne
20 Walking Lunges
60 sec. Airdyne
20 Step Ups
30 sec. Airdyne
20 Squats
Aerobic capacity is coming back and ability to tolerate lactic acid is as well. Kept this one at around 70%, maybe a little higher in 20-25 minute range as I felt really good here. Finished 6 rounds + up to and finished the 60 second ride.
Feeling pretty good and looking forward to back squat next week....
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