Wednesday, August 24, 2011

08-24-11 Accumulated Workouts

The start of school year always puts a crunch on the time available to me in the evenings so I have not posted in several days. Rather I have been trying help establish good evening and bed time pattern with the kids...and naturally that puts me in bed at a really good hour.

Here is the run down of my last four days of training...

A: Back Squat X 2 rest 3 min. X 4 @ 80%.
35 - 25- 15 @ 85% effort
airdyne calories
KBS to eye level

Still feeling out what hand position I can get into for back squat. Getting close to my natural position. Stayed at 200# for A.  Couplet was good and fast. I could feeling slight pulling in the upper bicep wear the the insertion is. Eye level with 1.5p is all I am comfortable with right now.

FLR- accumulate 180 sec. working time
Row 1K @ 90%
rest 8 min.
Row 1K @ 90%
rest 8 min.
Row 1 K @ 90%

FLR was a fair challenge and I needed 5 sets to get 180 sec. I was off on my effort for the first row but got it dialed in from there. 3:35  -  3:49  -  4:00. These hurt!

A: Back Squat x 3; rest 3 min. X 4 2 80%.
3 sets of:
800 meter run
50 Double Unders
rest 4 minutes

Stayed with 200# again for Back Squat and the weight feels good. Any pulling or tension associated with the shoulder surgery is gone and hand position is improving. Runs felt pretty good. Focused on breathing and staying within myself. Double unders were fine and got better with each set. Times: 3:57  -  3:57  -  3:51.

Low load TGU, 6-8 minutes
2 sets of:
5 min. @ 85% effort
12 walking lunges
rest 5 min.


2 sets of:
3 mins @ 90% effort
3 perfect push ups
6 situps
rest 3 min.

TGU felt pretty good and solid in all positions. kept these very light (10#) and worked on perfection and keeping my shoulder in position. Both couplets were very good and pacing was spot on. The 3 perfect push ups was all I could handle and was just right.

Diet...I have gone back to normal eating patterns and will throw in intermittent fasts every 7 to 10 days. Continuing with 10 grams BCAAs pre and post workout. I have also been experimenting with Casein protein mixed in with whey post workout as well as a few nights a week before bed with goat milk.

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