Rest Day for training but a work day for me. A typical work day for me begins with an 0415 wake up and my shift starts at 0530. I do spend much of my day in a patrol car driving around so my hips and hamstrings tend to get tight, even more so the day after squatting. Walking and stretching when possible helps.
1 scoop of BCAA-G upon waking
8 oz. Goat Milk
1 Hour later @ work:
4 Eggs w/Chicken Sausage
1 Squash & 1 Zucchini sauteed in Coconut oil
3 cups of spinach
1/2 Avocado
Mid Morning-
6 Oz. Goat Milk
Protein Bar (30g. Pro)
8 oz grilled Chicken breast
1 lb bag of brocolli
1/2 Avocado
4pm- 8 Oz Goat Milk
Dinner w/ Family:
5 Guys Burger
8:45pm- 8 Oz Goat Milk
Bedtime- 1 Scoop BCAA+G
Tomorrow is a very busy day beginning with a 0500 search warrant with SWAT. Then an 0830 Chiro appointment for a follow on the lower back. I am Coaching 2 classes. One at 10 and one at noon. My training time will be from 1300-1500 hours. Tomorrow morning is also a weigh in for me. Should be around 180#...
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